Coloring Pages for Teens Free Printable

Printable Coloring Pages for Girls

Learning About Teens

Teens are people between the ages of 13-19. This time of life is called the teenage years or adolescence. During this time, kids begin changing into adults. Their bodies grow taller and they start to look more mature.

Hormones in the body cause physical and emotional changes during puberty. For girls, this usually starts between ages 10-14 and for boys around 12-16. They start developing secondary sex characteristics like breasts and wider hips for girls, and deeper voices and facial hair growth for boys.

Coloring Pages for Teens may feel mood swings and become more emotional as hormones affect the brain too. Their relationships with family and friends change as they seek more independence. Schoolwork becomes more challenging as the focus shifts to preparing for future careers or college.

While the teenage years can bring uncertainty, it’s also a time of new opportunities. Teens explore different interests, activities and ways of thinking. Older teens are able to drive, get after school jobs and take on more responsibilities. By the end of this transition period, they are ready to face new adventures into adulthood.

Enjoy the excitement with Cute Coloring Pages for Girls

And below is a collection of coloring pages suitable for young artists and even adults. Our Printable Teens Coloring Pages are designed to inspire creativity and provide endless hours of entertainment, suitable for a wide range of ages.

Show off your creativity

Above are just black and white border drawings of Teens. Think and use your favorite colors to embellish Teens Coloring Pages more vividly so you can show it off to your parents. Are you ready, little artists?

Fun coloring ideas for you with Printable Coloring Pages for Girls

  • School Life – Kids can color pictures of teens in the hallway between classes, at their lockers, or studying in the library. Include backpacks, textbooks and more.
  • Hobbies and Sports – Provide templates of teens playing basketball, dancing, playing video games, making art and more. Color in uniforms, instruments and equipment.
  • Friendship – Color in groups of teens hanging out, taking selfies together and engaging in various social activities.
  • Music – Teens can color in their favorite bands or musicians. Include instruments, microphones, album covers and more.
  • Fashion – Provide pictures of teens wearing different stylish outfits. Color in details of jeans, sneakers, dresses and accessories.
  • Emotions – Color in facial expressions that show how teens may feel – happy, sad, excited, stressed and more.
  • Future Plans – Color pictures of teens studying for exams, filling out college applications or picking a career path.

These coloring pages allow kids to creatively explore different aspects of being a teen through visuals. It helps them learn about changes, choices and experiences during this transition to young adulthood.

Basic Coloring Tips and Techniques

  • Use an assortment of coloring tools like crayons, colored pencils, markers and even glitter glue or stickers for details.
  • Experiment with different techniques – you can color sections neatly, blend colors, add stripes or spots of other shades.
  • Consider light and dark areas – color backgrounds and larger pieces lightly first before deepening colors in certain sections.
  • Use a variety of skin tone colors for characters – peach, tan, brown, etc. Blend if needed.
  • Add dimension with shading – color clothes or hair darker on one side to look like shadows.
  • Leave some spaces blank for details later – like working on facial features or accessories last.
  • Take your time and color carefully, but also have fun exploring colors! It’s okay to be creative.
  • If you mess up, no problem – simply color over with a similar color or use for another part.
  • Display your proud artwork to show others what you’ve learned about teens.

How do you feel about Teens Coloring Pages. VTcoloring has many other Printable Coloring Pages for kids to explore and unleash their creativity after school hours. Happy coloring everyone!

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