Peacock Coloring Pages (Free Printable) Download

peacock coloring pages

Peacocks are one of the most beautiful and captivating birds in the world. They belong to the family of birds known as “pheasants.” The males, called “peacocks,” are famous for their bright, shimmery feathers with eye-like patterns called ‘eyespots’. These big and colorful feathers are used to impress the female peahens and are a display of beauty in nature. Peacock Coloring Pages can be found in parts of Asia and Africa, which is where they have lived for thousands of years. Their outstanding colors are not just for show – they also signal the health and strength of the peacock, making him more attractive to potential mates. When you see a peacock spread his feathers into a big fan, it’s easy to see why these birds have been a symbol of pride and beauty throughout history!

Enjoy the excitement with Peacock Coloring Pages

And below is a collection of coloring pages suitable for young artists and even adults. Our Printable Peacock Coloring Pages are designed to inspire creativity and provide endless hours of entertainment, suitable for a wide range of ages.

Show off your creativity

Above are just black and white border drawings of Peacock. Think and use your favorite colors to embellish Peacock Coloring Pages more vividly so you can show it off to your parents. Are you ready, little artists?

Fun Coloring Ideas for You with Peacock Coloring Pages

1. Shimmering Feathers: Give your peacock’s feathers a shimmering look by using metallic colored pencils. Colors like gold, silver, and bronze will make the designs pop as if they’re shining!

2. Rainbow Fan: Try coloring each ‘eyespot’ on the peacock’s feathers a different color of the rainbow. This will create a dazzling and vibrant fan that looks majestic.

3. Glitter Effect: Add some sparkle to your coloring page with glitter pens or glue. Carefully apply it over specific areas you’d like to highlight, like the tips of the feathers!

4. Color Gradation: Practice shading techniques by slowly transitioning from dark to light shades on the feathers, creating a beautiful gradient effect.

5. Mystical Peacock: Imagine your peacock lives in an enchanted land. Use lots of purples, blues, and greens for a mystical, magical look.

6. Nature’s Blend: Take inspiration from the peacock’s natural environment by adding greens for foliage and blues for water in the background, blending the peacock harmoniously with its surroundings.

7. Jewel Tones: The peacock’s feathers resemble jewels. Color them vividly with deep sapphires, emeralds, and rubies to show a regal side of the bird.

8. Soft Pastels: For a softer look, use pastel shades all over your page. Even though real peacoffs have bold colors, pastels can give your picture a dreamy quality!

Basic Coloring Tips and Techniques for You

  • Layer Your Colors: Start with light layers and slowly build up to richer tones. Layering helps add depth and texture to your picture.
  • Crosshatching: Create interesting textures by drawing small lines that cross over each other – like little x’s – especially useful when filling bigger areas like background elements.
  • Gentle Pressure: When coloring with pencils, use gentle pressure to avoid harsh lines. Smooth coloring creates even coverage without damaging the paper.
  • Blending Colors: Try blending different colors together to create new shades or smooth transitions between colors which is especially good for feather details.
  • Test Your Colors: Use scrap paper to test how colors look next to each other before applying them to the actual coloring page.
  • Stay inside the Lines: Slow down around the edges of sections to keep your coloring neat. Using sharp pencils helps you color finely detailed areas more accurately.

How do you feel about Peacock Coloring Pages. VTcoloring has many other Printable Coloring Pages for kids to explore and unleash their creativity after school hours. Happy coloring everyone!

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